Tourist information
    The perfect place to find all the information relevant to your stay you will be welcomed and guided to choose your accommodation as well as excursions.
2 dans le Tarn.
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Tourist information in Mazamet

Office de Tourisme de Mazamet en Montagne Noire

Servie accueil Rue des Casernes 81200 Mazamet (Tarn)
Phone : 05 63 61 27 07  - Fax : 05 63 61 31 35
Mazamet, ville fleurie, vous ouvre les portes de la Montagne Noire.
A 1h30 de la Méditerranée, des Pyrénées et de Toulouse, venez découvrir son histoire atypique, son village médiéval perché, ...

Tourist information in Castres

Office de tourisme de Castres

Office de tourisme de Castres 2, place de la République 81100 Castres (Tarn)
Phone : 05 63 62 63 62  - Fax : 05 63 62 63 60
Fancy a holiday?
Business tourism?

In the heart of the TARN, CASTRES has a rich historical, cultural and sportive patrimony as well as a wide range of activities

Welcome to CASTRES!
Register your touristic spot dans le Tarn it's free (in French)